Strategic Municipal Advocacy Secures Contract Stability

The Brief:
Sussex’s Municipal team was engaged to secure a multi-million-dollar contract extension with the City of Toronto, aiming to avoid a competitive bid process and maintain service consistency during anticipated Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) regulations. The Municipal team executed a strategic political advocacy campaign that included targeted meetings with government officials and facility site visits.
These efforts demonstrated the value of the existing service provider and highlighted their operational excellence, which was critical given the evolving regulatory landscape.
The Results:
The campaign successfully secured the contract extension, avoiding competitive bidding and confirming the provider’s role as the preferred choice. This achievement ensured that the City of Toronto received consistent waste management services despite significant industry and regulatory changes, including the impact of China’s National Sword Policy and upcoming EPR regulations.
Their efforts also strengthened the provider’s market position and built crucial political support, keeping the provider top of mind for future initiatives.