NDP Releases Full Platform Ahead of Election Campaign
On Monday, the Ontario New Democratic Party (NDP) unveiled their campaign platform, “Strong. Ready. Working For You.” making it the first party out of the gate to release its platform for the 2022 election. The platform touches on many of the issues deemed as priority by Ontarians over the last four years. An alternative viewpoint is that the platform has something for everyone.
Ontario Budget 2022 Analysis: The Campaign (Un)Officially Begins
This afternoon the Honourable Peter Bethlenfalvy, Ontario’s Minister of Finance, delivered what is billed as Ontario’s 2022-2023 Budget; but in reality, it serves as the basis of the Ontario PC Party’s campaign platform. Titled “Ontario’s Plan to Build”, the 241-page document is broken down into five sections (excluding the fiscally-focused chapters)
Updates on the Government of Ontario’s Energy Transition Policy
As we approach the end of their four year-mandate, this past week has seen three substantive developments on the Government of Ontario’s policy approach to the energy transition, specifically concerning electricity pricing for Class B customers, expansion of the net-metering framework, and establishment of a new expert panel on our future energy needs.
GLOBE Forum’s First Municipal Program: Opportunities for Industry Stakeholders in Local Climate Action
The GLOBE Forum is GLOBE Series’ biennial business summit, connecting Canadian sustainability leaders and innovators in government and industry. This year, through a first-of-its-kind partnership, GLOBE Series and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities joined forces to develop a new, municipal focused, GLOBE Forum program stream: Local Solutions to Net Zero.
#ONelxn2022 Series: The Impact on Municipalities and Why It Matters
With all eyes on the provincial election in June, the Ontario municipal elections can easily be overlooked, although they are only 189 days away (as of April 18, 2022). The two election cycles are deeply intertwined and provincial campaign promises, issues picked-up in the press, and particularly the final election results on June 2, 2022, will all impact Ontario’s municipalities and influence voters this fall.
#ONelxn2022 Series: The No-Narrative Election: The Impact of COVID on Campaign Communications
In the latest piece in our #ONelxnseries, Vice President of Digital Fraser Lockerbie breaks down how two years of the pandemic have affected how parties are communicating with voters this election.
Ontario Releases Modelling for its 2030 Emissions Reduction Target and Principles to Align the EPS with the Federal Benchmark for 2023-2030
On Friday, the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) shared the principles it intends to follow as it works to align the Ontario Emissions Performance Standards (EPS) with the updated federal benchmark for the period of 2023 to 2030.
Provincial Government Releases Low-Carbon Hydrogen Strategy
Earlier today, the Hon. Todd Smith, Minister of Energy (MOE), the Hon. David Piccini, Minister of Environment, Conservation & Parks (MECP), alongside local representatives and clean technology leaders, unveiled Ontario’s Low-Carbon Hydrogen Strategy.
IESO Releases the 2022 Annual Acquisition Report
On April 4, 2022, the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) released its second Annual Acquisition Report (AAR). This report builds on the IESO’s 2021 Annual Planning Outlook (APO) which forecasted Ontario’s electricity system needs over the coming two decades and uses this information to inform the design of various procurement mechanisms and targets.