Ontarians Said Yes: Doug Ford Leads PC Party to Second & Bigger Majority Mandate
The Doug Ford-led Progressive Conservatives were in a strong position to reform government at the start of and throughout this election campaign. And when all was said and done, Doug Ford has been re-elected as Premier of Ontario and the PCs have grown their majority from 76 seats (when they were elected in 2018) to 83 seats.
#ONelxn2022 Series: Less Than a Week to Go: What Have the Party Leaders Been Up to So Far
All four major party leaders have had close to four weeks to define why they are best fit for the top job in Ontario. Now, with less than a week to election day, each leader has just a few days left to capture voter attention and gain their confidence.
Government of Canada - Launch of Public Consultation for National Climate Adaptation Strategy
Last week, the federal government launched a public consultation to support the ongoing development of Canada’s First Climate Adaptation Strategy. Once completed the Strategy is meant to be a whole-of-society blueprint for coordinated action across the country, so that communities and Canadians are prepared for the impacts of climate change.
Ontario Election 2022: Ontario Liberals Unveil Their Election Platform, A Place to Grow
For those closely following the Ontario election, you may have noticed the first few days of the election campaign saw the Liberals tease parts of their platform through daily major policy announcements (see, for example, our analysis last week of the Liberal’s environment plan). On May 9, the Liberals laid out their entire plan and unveiled their election platform, including full costing for their policy promises.
Heading into Ontario’s Election Campaign: 3 Key Takeaways from the May 3 Sussex Pre-Election Webinar
The Ontario election is officially underway, and voters will go to the polls on June 2, 2022. To kick off election season in Ontario, Sussex hosted its second pre-election webinar on Tuesday May 3 with Greg Lyle, Founder and President of Innovative Research Group, and Sabrina Nanji, Founder of Queen’s Park Observer.
NDP Releases Full Platform Ahead of Election Campaign
On Monday, the Ontario New Democratic Party (NDP) unveiled their campaign platform, “Strong. Ready. Working For You.” making it the first party out of the gate to release its platform for the 2022 election. The platform touches on many of the issues deemed as priority by Ontarians over the last four years. An alternative viewpoint is that the platform has something for everyone.