Toronto Launches Business Survey as Part of Mayor’s Economic Support and Recovery Task Force

Today, the Mayor’s Economic Support and Recovery Task Force launched a survey to get feedback from Toronto-area companies on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and to find out what supports businesses require at this time. The survey will be sent out to more than 20,000 businesses and Toronto’s Business Improvement Areas, but is also accessible online at the City’s COVID-19 web page here.
The survey will be posted for several days to receive feedback and is asking for each business’ top three choices for measures that would help address their current challenges. Measures the City would like feedback on include postponing payments on business loans, changes to Employment Insurance, fast tracking development and building permits, and government support for salary continuance and benefits for laid off employees.
If you have a moment, please take the time to complete the survey. This is one more way of providing feedback to the government. If you require additional assistance with conveying your concerns or needs to the City of Toronto and City Council at this time, please let us know.