Federal Government Announces $650 Million for Indigenous Communities
Today, the Government of Canada announced $650 million in additional funding to help Indigenous communities build capacity to manage potential COVID-19 outbreaks and provide additional support for vulnerable people who live in First Nations communities.
Additional Health Care Resources
$285 million to support rapid public health responses in Indigenous communities when faced with a COVID-19 outbreak. Funding will be used to:
· Provide additional medical supplies and equipment to healthcare facilities.
· Deliver up to 160 temporary assessment, screening and isolation units, which includes retooling existing facilities, ready-to-move trailers, and mobile structures.
· Increase the number of nurses and health care providers.
Income Support
$270 million to supplement the On-Reserve Income Assistance Program to address the increase in program demand due to COVID-19. Funding will be used to:
· Hire additional staff to help on-reserve Indigenous people connect to government programs and other supports.
· Provide funds to help cover daily living expenses.
Shelters for Indigenous Women Fleeing Violence
$85 million over 5 years to build and operate 12 new shelters (2 of which will be built in the Territories and 10 in First Nations communities on reserves) for Indigenous women and children fleeing violence.
· $44 million to finance construction costs and $40.8 million to support operational costs.
· First Nations and Indigenous governments and/or organizations in the Territories can apply by submitting Expression of Interest proposals.
Federal Engagement
Consult the Sussex COVID-19 Guide for information on supports made available across the Federal, Provincial and Municipal Governments.
As the details of the programs announced today become available, let Sussex help connect you with the right people in government to help your organization get through these extraordinary times.
Please reach out to your Sussex representative directly or to a member of the Federal Government Relations Team.