Sussex Strategy Group Announces New Senior Associate in its Environment and Energy Practice
Sussex Strategy Group, one of Canada’s premier government relations and strategic communications firms, is pleased to announce that Mark Olsheski has joined our Energy and Environment Practice as a Senior Associate
Ontario Government Funding for your Innovative, Green Business
Business support programs have been something of a constant for the Ontario Liberal administration since they first won office in 2003. Back then, there was the $500M Ontario Automotive Investment Strategy (OAIS), and its sister program, the interest-free loan based Advanced Manufacturing Fund (AMF).
Towards a North American Price on Carbon
In March of 2014, the Canadian Electricity Association released a major document entitled Vision 2050: The Future of Canada’s Electricity System. The document established that if we want to reduce carbon emissions in the most economical way, pricing carbon in the economy was the only way to go. And we must recognize our electricity system, and our energy system, is continental, not national. I spent the remainder of 2014 and into 2015 talking about Vision 2050, both in Canada and the US. In these talks, when speaking of carbon pricing, I would make the statement we could see a North American price on carbon as early as 2020. Roughly a year later, I stand by that statement, using the same caveat I did back then: it will all come down to the US Supreme Court.