Municipal Update: The Towers of Power
Thursday marked the first solid day of Toronto City Council, where the pomp and circumstance was over and it was down to business. As highlighted in our update last week, Council Committees look a little different from the last term, with 4 interim Committees and 25 Members of Council, 26 when you include the Mayor. The Councillors who form the Committees have the ability to significantly move the dial on any particular issue.
This update will brief you on who landed on which committees, what that means for you and since this was the first authentic meeting of Council, where the debates settled on the Cannabis Opt In or Out question, TTC Upload, the King Street Pilot and the Housing Now Initiative (opening up City owned surplus land for development of affordable housing - not to be associated with JUST social housing). Also, a quick update on the new Deputy City Managerand Regional Chairs in Peel and York.
Click here to download the update.